H for Homeopathy

The Medicines with Holistic Care

Derived from Nature

Safe To Use


Dr. Kulwant Singh is a well renowned Homeopathic practitioner. He has treated over 5 lakh patients for the last 41 years. He has been successful in treating several chronic diseases and so-called incurable diseases as well.

Some of his credentials have been:

  • Dean of Faculty of Homoeopathy of Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag for over 12 years
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    Meet Dr. Kulwant Singh

    The Doctor

    Over 41 years of experience, treated more than 5 lakh patients

    The Academician

    Dean, Principal and Resource Person: CCH, New Delhi

    The Speaker

    Workshops of Ministry of Ayush, CCH, seminars in and outside the country

    Our Services

    1. Renal Stone

    Renal stone is a stone in the kidney (or lower down in the urinary tract). also called a kidney stone. The stones themselves are called renal calculi. Kidney stones form when your urine contains more crystal-forming substances — such as calcium, oxalate and uric acid — than the fluid in your urine can dilute.

    At the same time, your urine may lack substances that prevent crystals from sticking together, creating an ideal environment for kidney stones to form. Homoeopathic medicines based on symptoms and constitution can help dissolve stones (if they are not very big in size) and prevent further formation of stones also.
    Renal Stone

    2. PCOD

    Polycystic ovary disease is a disorder involving infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, and often excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries develop numerous small collections of fluid called follicles and may fail to regularly release eggs.

    All of the symptoms you experience can lead to other health risks like cancers, metabolic disorder, diabetes, acne scars, unwanted hair growth, mood swings and heart disease if you don't see a doctor and receive treatment. With Homoeopathy, these problems can be managed by enhancing immunity and balancing hormones in the system.

    3. Sinusitis

    Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection. Conditions that can cause sinus blockage include common cold, nasal congestion, facial pain. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by an infection, growths in the sinuses or swelling of the lining of sinuses.

    Signs and symptoms may include nasal obstruction or congestion that causes difficulty breathing through your nose, and pain and swelling around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead. Homoeopathic medicines by virtue of their constitutional treatment can manage these symptoms permanently.

    4. Allergic Rhinitis

    Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. Signs and symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, red, itchy, and watery eyes, and swelling around the eyes. body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine, which is a natural chemical that defends your body from the allergen.

    This chemical can cause allergic rhinitis and its symptoms, including a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes. In addition to tree pollen, other common allergens include grass, pollen, dust, mites, animal, dander, which is old skin, cat, saliva etc.
    Allergic Rhinitis

    5. Allergic Bronchitis

    Allergic bronchitis involves inflammation of the bronchi of lungs, caused by an allergen, or something to which any person is allergic. Airway irritants, such as pollen, dust, and mold, can trigger symptoms. Cigarette smoking almost always causes allergic bronchitis.

    Symptoms of allergic bronchitis include a cough that produces mucus, wheezing difficulty in breathing with suffocative feeling in chest. Rarely there is fever and head heaviness and headaches. If not treated in time, may convert to Chronic Bronchitis.
    Allergic Bronchitis

    6. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the body. The joint damage that RA causes usually happens on both sides of the body. So, if a joint is affected in one of any arms or legs, the same joint in the other arm or leg will probably be affected, too. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, which means it's caused by the immune system attacking healthy body tissue.

    The immune system normally makes antibodies that attack bacteria and viruses, helping to fight infection. People with rheumatoid arthritis have an increased risk of inflammation and scarring of the lung tissues, which can lead to progressive shortness of breath. It also leads to Deformity of joints making the life miserable.
    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    7. Psoriasis

    Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. This makes the skin build up into bumpy red patches covered with white scales. They can grow anywhere, but most appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. Psoriasis can't be passed from person to person. Psoriasis is caused, at least in part, by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells. If one is sick or battling an infection, the immune system will go into overdrive to fight the infection.

    This might start another psoriasis flare-up. Strep throat is a common trigger. Some people with psoriasis also have an inflammatory condition which affects their joints, called psoriatic arthritis.

    8. Cervical Spondylosis

    It is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in the neck. As the disks dehydrate and shrink, signs of osteoarthritis develop, including bony projections along the edges of bones (bone spurs). Cervical Spondylosis is very common and worsens with age. Sometimes, cervical Spondylosis results in a narrowing of the space needed by the spinal cord and the nerve roots that pass through the spine to the rest of body.

    There is degeneration of the bones of vertebra and vertebral disc (a soft bone between vertebrae), which in result gives pressure to the spinal cord. If the spinal cord or nerve roots become pinched, there may be tingling, numbness and weakness in arms, hands, legs or feet associated with pain. Lack of coordination and difficulty walking.
    Cervical Spondylosis

    9. Gall stones

    Gallstones are stone-like objects that develop in the gallbladder or bile ducts . Gallstones can range in size, from tiny grains of sand to golf ball-sized objects. Small stones can often cause the most trouble. Stones are made up of Cholesterol a fatty substances in the blood, cholesterol is found throughout the body. These are the most common type of gallstones. There are pigment stones also when red blood cells break down in the liver.

    Too much bilirubin can actually leak into the bloodstream and cause the skin and eyes to turn yellow. Pain in the upper mid abdomen or upper right abdomen. There is pain in the back of right shoulder, Chest pain, Nausea and vomiting and may be Jaundice.
    Gall stones

    10. Sciatica

    Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. Typically, sciatica affects only one side of your body. Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disk, bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg.

    Pain that radiates from lower (lumbar) spine to the buttock and down the back of the leg is the hallmark of sciatica. The pain follows a path from the low back to the buttock and the back of the thigh and calf. Some people also have numbness, tingling or muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot.

    11. Others

    Homeopathy is also used to cure Acne, Adenoids, Alopecia, Anal Fissure, Behavioural Disorders, Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP), Bronchial Asthma, Callosities (Corns), Chalazion, Conjunctivitis, Dandruff, Dengue, Depression, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, Eczema, Endometriosis, Epistaxis, Female Infertility, Fibroadenoma of Breast, Fibromyalgia, Ganglion Cyst, Genital Herpes, Gout, Herpes Zoster (Shingles), Hives (Urticaria), Hypothyroidism, Infantile Colic, Keloid, Lichen Planus, Measles, Meniere's Disease, Menopause, Migraine, Molluscum Contagiosum, Mouth Ulcers, Nasal Polyps, Nephrotic Syndrome, Nocturnal Enuresis, Osteoarthritis, Peptic Ulcer, Piles (Haemorrhoids), Tennis Elbow, Tonsillitis, Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), Uterine Fibroids, Varicose Veins, Vertigo, Vitiligo, Vocal Nodules, Warts and Others.
    1. Renal Stone

    1. Renal Stone

    Renal stone is a stone in the kidney (or lower down in the urinary tract). also called a kidney stone. The stones themselves are called renal calculi. Kidney stones form when your urine contains more crystal-forming substances — such as calcium, oxalate and uric acid — than the fluid in your urine can dilute.

    At the same time, your urine may lack substances that prevent crystals from sticking together, creating an ideal environment for kidney stones to form. Homoeopathic medicines based on symptoms and constitution can help dissolve stones (if they are not very big in size) and prevent further formation of stones also.
    Renal Stone
    2. PCOD

    2. PCOD

    Polycystic ovary disease is a disorder involving infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, and often excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries develop numerous small collections of fluid called follicles and may fail to regularly release eggs.

    All of the symptoms you experience can lead to other health risks like cancers, metabolic disorder, diabetes, acne scars, unwanted hair growth, mood swings and heart disease if you don't see a doctor and receive treatment. With Homoeopathy, these problems can be managed by enhancing immunity and balancing hormones in the system.
    3. Sinusitis

    3. Sinusitis

    Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection. Conditions that can cause sinus blockage include common cold, nasal congestion, facial pain. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by an infection, growths in the sinuses or swelling of the lining of sinuses.

    Signs and symptoms may include nasal obstruction or congestion that causes difficulty breathing through your nose, and pain and swelling around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead. Homoeopathic medicines by virtue of their constitutional treatment can manage these symptoms permanently.
    4. Allergic Rhinitis

    4. Allergic Rhinitis

    Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. Signs and symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, red, itchy, and watery eyes, and swelling around the eyes. body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine, which is a natural chemical that defends your body from the allergen.

    This chemical can cause allergic rhinitis and its symptoms, including a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes. In addition to tree pollen, other common allergens include grass, pollen, dust, mites, animal, dander, which is old skin, cat, saliva etc.
    Allergic Rhinitis
    5. Allergic Bronchitis

    5. Allergic Bronchitis

    Allergic bronchitis involves inflammation of the bronchi of lungs, caused by an allergen, or something to which any person is allergic. Airway irritants, such as pollen, dust, and mold, can trigger symptoms. Cigarette smoking almost always causes allergic bronchitis.

    Symptoms of allergic bronchitis include a cough that produces mucus, wheezing difficulty in breathing with suffocative feeling in chest. Rarely there is fever and head heaviness and headaches. If not treated in time, may convert to Chronic Bronchitis.
    Allergic Bronchitis
    6. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    6. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the body. The joint damage that RA causes usually happens on both sides of the body. So, if a joint is affected in one of any arms or legs, the same joint in the other arm or leg will probably be affected, too. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, which means it's caused by the immune system attacking healthy body tissue.

    The immune system normally makes antibodies that attack bacteria and viruses, helping to fight infection. People with rheumatoid arthritis have an increased risk of inflammation and scarring of the lung tissues, which can lead to progressive shortness of breath. It also leads to Deformity of joints making the life miserable.
    Rheumatoid Arthritis
    7. Psoriasis

    7. Psoriasis

    Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. This makes the skin build up into bumpy red patches covered with white scales. They can grow anywhere, but most appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. Psoriasis can't be passed from person to person. Psoriasis is caused, at least in part, by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells. If one is sick or battling an infection, the immune system will go into overdrive to fight the infection.

    This might start another psoriasis flare-up. Strep throat is a common trigger. Some people with psoriasis also have an inflammatory condition which affects their joints, called psoriatic arthritis.
    8. Cervical Spondylosis

    8. Cervical Spondylosis

    It is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in the neck. As the disks dehydrate and shrink, signs of osteoarthritis develop, including bony projections along the edges of bones (bone spurs). Cervical Spondylosis is very common and worsens with age. Sometimes, cervical Spondylosis results in a narrowing of the space needed by the spinal cord and the nerve roots that pass through the spine to the rest of body.

    There is degeneration of the bones of vertebra and vertebral disc (a soft bone between vertebrae), which in result gives pressure to the spinal cord. If the spinal cord or nerve roots become pinched, there may be tingling, numbness and weakness in arms, hands, legs or feet associated with pain. Lack of coordination and difficulty walking.
    Cervical Spondylosis
    9. Gall stones

    9. Gall stones

    Gallstones are stone-like objects that develop in the gallbladder or bile ducts . Gallstones can range in size, from tiny grains of sand to golf ball-sized objects. Small stones can often cause the most trouble. Stones are made up of Cholesterol a fatty substances in the blood, cholesterol is found throughout the body. These are the most common type of gallstones. There are pigment stones also when red blood cells break down in the liver.

    Too much bilirubin can actually leak into the bloodstream and cause the skin and eyes to turn yellow. Pain in the upper mid abdomen or upper right abdomen. There is pain in the back of right shoulder, Chest pain, Nausea and vomiting and may be Jaundice.
    Gall stones
    10. Sciatica

    10. Sciatica

    Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. Typically, sciatica affects only one side of your body. Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disk, bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg.

    Pain that radiates from lower (lumbar) spine to the buttock and down the back of the leg is the hallmark of sciatica. The pain follows a path from the low back to the buttock and the back of the thigh and calf. Some people also have numbness, tingling or muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot.
    11. Others

    11. Others

    Homeopathy is also used to cure Acne, Adenoids, Alopecia, Anal Fissure, Behavioural Disorders, Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP), Bronchial Asthma, Callosities (Corns), Chalazion, Conjunctivitis, Dandruff, Dengue, Depression, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, Eczema, Endometriosis, Epistaxis, Female Infertility, Fibroadenoma of Breast, Fibromyalgia, Ganglion Cyst, Genital Herpes, Gout, Herpes Zoster (Shingles), Hives (Urticaria), Hypothyroidism, Infantile Colic, Keloid, Lichen Planus, Measles, Meniere's Disease, Menopause, Migraine, Molluscum Contagiosum, Mouth Ulcers, Nasal Polyps, Nephrotic Syndrome, Nocturnal Enuresis, Osteoarthritis, Peptic Ulcer, Piles (Haemorrhoids), Tennis Elbow, Tonsillitis, Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), Uterine Fibroids, Varicose Veins, Vertigo, Vitiligo, Vocal Nodules, Warts and Others.

    Why Choose Us

    24/7 Availability

    To serve the patients round the clock, no waiting time.

    Appropriate Diagnosis and Cure

    Over 41 years of Experience, over 5 lakh cases.

    Natural Cure, No Side-Effects

    Amongst the safest healing techniques invented.

    Very high Credentials

    Amongst the best Homeopathic doctors you can find in India.

    Family Doctor

    The treatment for all family members, a doctor, a friend.

    Affordable Treatment

    Get the best quality treatment at most economic rates.

    Sample Cases



    “Neurofibroma at neck cured”



    “Infantile haemangioma on face cured”



    “Pemphigus cured.”

    Dr. Kulwant Singh

    MD (Homeopathy)

    Homoeopathy inspired me since my childhood days, when we were taking these medicines on a regular basis for our day-to-day ailments with good results. After graduating in Homoeopathy in 1979 and later having an MD degree, has given me respect, dignity and satisfaction after treating patients in my clinic. I have found homoeopathy as one of the most effective modes of treatment and often helps in management of so-called incurable diseases. It gives me greatest satisfaction that I have been instrumental in helping in the propagation of homoeopathy through my teachings in college and seminars to lots of students. I am sure that in the coming times, homoeopathy will be the most effective and safe mode of treatment in the universe. I feel fortunate for being a part of this science in my own humble way and would like to contribute by way of treating and managing diseases plus teaching the science of homoeopathy through different platforms. I feel proud to be a homoeopath.

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    Patient's success stories

    Dr. Kulwant Singh is a great doctor. He's very understanding and listens to your concerns. He takes time with the patient to help them with their health issue. And staff also very friendly & helpful. I highly recommend him to any one looking for a specialist.

    -Kishore Kumar

    Contact Us

    Clinic Address

    Homoeo Corner, Line 15, Shop 26

    Bistupur Market, Jamshedpur 831001


    +91 94311 84095, 97714 93195



    Open Hours

    Morning: 10:00am - 1:00pm (All Days)

    Evening: 5:30pm - 8:30pm (All Days except Tue)
